Monday, October 25, 2010

Three Year Blog Anniversary

As is our habit, we reprise the last year of travel and adventure.  After all, what else do we have to do?

Clancy completed his second year of life and as part of our little family.   Fortunately for all concerned, his terrier behavior has improved some to the point of tolerable.  Others with terriers tell us that age three is the magic number for a companionable dog.  And so we pray.

We broadened our travel horizons, with journeys to Tucson, as well as Death Valley and Joshua Tree National Parks.  And then the RV Trip of a Lifetime to Alaska via Canada, several National Parks thereabouts, a visit to the Arctic Circle, and other experiences too numerous to type.  Read the blog.

We faced challenging RV equipment failures, but never let it get us down. Adds new meaning to "You can't take it with you."  Apparently you can, but it will cost ya.

We feel fine and look good.  [No, you don't get a picture to make your own judgment.]  What more can you want?  World Peace?  A woman for President, other than Sarah Palin?  We'll get back to you next year.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

A-OK Inside and Out

We have completed most of our internal updates and prognosis is good.  Jenna met with her oncoman.  They decided to discontinue further treatments, since she remains in complete remission.  Which will give her more time to recover from two years of chemotherapy.  All is well well well.

No findings for the male side of the duo.  Stay the course.

Now we have entered the hosting phase of our remaining time here at Park Sierra.  Friends Russ and Dee from Lake Tyee are visiting right now.  eFriends Tom and Donna will arrive in a few days for a few days.  Other Lake Tyee friends Steve and Sandy will visit in a few weeks.  Fortunately all these folks bring their own homes, as we left our spare bedroom in Washington.

This week, we entered the 21st Century with the purchase of two Nook eReaders by Barnes and Noble.  Suddenly the world of literature has opened to us in convenient no-cost no calorie form.  Less time reading blogs, more time reading Kafka and Mark Twain.  It's a good trade-off.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

An Apple a Day

So begin our contributions to the financial health of the Fresno medical community.  A poke here, a prod there.  Scan scan, gurgle gurgle, cough cough.  Oww!

Jenna will see her cancerologist next week for a six month review of her condition.  They will decide on whether she should submit to one more round of potions, or just call it good for now.


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Too Darn Busy

We live in a cooperative.  We (the Coop) expect everyone to contribute to maintaining and improving the park.  Works pretty well actually, which you would see if you visited.  [You never visit!]  Clean faciltites, structures in good condition, an active social life.

Last year I volunteered to help with the park phone and computer system.  Worked out pretty well last Spring, just going around fixing up wiring and installing a few internet routers.

For this Fall visit, I volunteered to write a maintenance manual for the phone and computer system.  Didn't know how soon I would need it.

Within a week, the most active member of our little communications group died.  Another knowledgeable fella went on a three week holiday.  Two others left for the week. Which left just two of us where seven once tread.

One week into it, we lost power in a lightning storm.  God damn!  Which started three days of heavy rain.  Which plays havoc with aging phone/computer wiring.

Know the one about the one arm paper hanger?  I feel his pain.  Piller to post, hither and yon, you get the idea.  Suffice to say, I'm busy.

In other news, we've made progress in arranging a repair on our misbehaving slideout at a southern CA facility on our way out of town.  No trip to Kansas in our plans, we hope....

