Sunday, January 6, 2008

Old Time Religion

Last Friday night we (Jenna and I, along with Joyce and Jean Shea) went to the Bard Community Center to hear some live music. Some folks here told us that local musicians play there, so we went out for some local culture.

We walk in and, hmmm, we see Hymn Books on the tables and a banner of the Lord’s Prayer on the opposite wall.

And so it was, an old fashioned fellowship gathering. Singing songs in praise of Jesus. Some of the songs in the hymnal were written over 100 years ago, according to the citations.

Nice folks enjoying the musical part of their religious practice. We sang along for about an hour. Then left at the break for the service.

It kinda reminded us of the folk music in rural Ozark Arkansas, where we lived some 25 years ago. Just part of the unexpected on this new path we’ve chosen.


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