Friday, March 28, 2008

Home improvements

Today the cabinetmakers installed the desk and cabinets for the back of our trailer. The RV came with two large swivel rockers. Nice, but heavy. To use them, you would pull them out from the wall with great effort. To close the slides, you would push them back to the wall, again with great effort and some profanity. No can do. We sold them within two weeks of moving in.


With no desk space for two computer users, who read newspapers and blogs all day, our kitchen table turned into desks. NG also.


So we found a cabinet maker in Phoenix, who designed a deskspace for us plus two three drawer cabinets. Very nice.

We are happy for work space plus return of our dining room table.

Again, you say, what does have to do with RV adventuring? Fortunately this is not a dialogue.

Just be patient for another two weeks, when we hit the road again. We promise you gripping dramas, extended vistas, and detailed analyses of our septic system.


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