Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sort of off-line for the summer

Despite Herculean efforts to establish a satellite Internet connection from our trailer, we are now limited to connecting via our local library and unsuspecting motels. Which will mean twice weekly emails and hopefully the same schedule for blog updates.

We decided to try to sell our lot in Lake Tyee. The only way to mitigate the rapidly rising price of diesel fuel is to use less of it. (See, by not working now, we have time to figure this stuff out.) Driving between the northern border of the country (Lake Tyee) and the southern border (AZ and Mexico) at 10mpg can hurt a person.

We must all sacrifice so that Exxon and the rest of them can continue to earn record profits and enjoy tax breaks. And wage war on other countries for their petroleum. Hard to see it otherwise after we found no WMDs, but our companies managed to secure exclusive contracts to the oil fields. Follow the money.


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