Jenna wanted to see Agness, Oregon, a little hamlet on the Rogue River. Nice advertisement in a local brochure. Sure!
So, a few days ago, we set off to see Agness. Take a nice 35 mile drive along the river. Two companies run jet boat tours up the river, one stopping at the Lucas Lodge in Agness for fried chicken that can't be beat. Good enough for us!
Did I mention the fried chicken? Never hurts to check.
Oooh, very narrow roads, drop offs, ruts, ruts, ruts.
But don't forget the fried chicken. OK!We get to the turnoff for Agness. The roads narrow further, seldom two full lanes, sometimes only one, no lines at all. Wouldn't wanna drive this at night, even for fried chicken.

The Lucas Lodge was just beautiful, an old but nicely kept property with down home folks about. Not so many now after the season.

"You want lunch? We just finished serving lunch. Did you call?"
"But we have some cold chicken in the refrigerator I can serve you." Seeing NOTHING else about, we agreed.
We waits about 15 minutes. Enjoys some fresh sweet corn and bread and lemondade.
Waitress finally appears with a cold cut sandwich. "Sorry, we don't have leftovers after all."
A cold cut sandwich. For the two of us. Not even a chicken sandwich.
Did I mention the fried chicken? Never hurts to check. Should have.
People starving all over the world. We appreciate. Tho....
Then we drive back down the very narrow roads, drop offs and ruts.
So we come to an understanding, Jenna and I. For the next year, Jenna will say nothing about any boner Netflix movies I might rent. She forgets? I just say, "Agness."
Sure do like movies by that Paris Hilton. Now there's a fried chicken!