Saturday, October 23, 2010

A-OK Inside and Out

We have completed most of our internal updates and prognosis is good.  Jenna met with her oncoman.  They decided to discontinue further treatments, since she remains in complete remission.  Which will give her more time to recover from two years of chemotherapy.  All is well well well.

No findings for the male side of the duo.  Stay the course.

Now we have entered the hosting phase of our remaining time here at Park Sierra.  Friends Russ and Dee from Lake Tyee are visiting right now.  eFriends Tom and Donna will arrive in a few days for a few days.  Other Lake Tyee friends Steve and Sandy will visit in a few weeks.  Fortunately all these folks bring their own homes, as we left our spare bedroom in Washington.

This week, we entered the 21st Century with the purchase of two Nook eReaders by Barnes and Noble.  Suddenly the world of literature has opened to us in convenient no-cost no calorie form.  Less time reading blogs, more time reading Kafka and Mark Twain.  It's a good trade-off.



palamine said...

So very glad to hear that you are both well. Good friends are hard to find. We want to hold on to the ones we have.

Prettypics123 said...

I am a bit out of balance with my reading right now. No book in process. Thanks for coming by a A Camp Host Housewife's Meanderings and leaving your comments by the way! I wish Jenna the very best with her treatment regime and recovery process.