Monday, August 11, 2008

Cancer treatment progress 2

Four days now and all’s OK. Jenna is tolerating the numerous chemicals that she and others have poured into her body. Some discomfort here and there, not necessarily discussed in polite company. But she actually looks and feels better since beginning the doses.

We are content. Tho she knows that side effects often build up during weeks of treatment. She is crossing her lymph nodes.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jenna & Bruce

Sorry you're going to have to lose Demby a true family member. But I understand the need. I went thru a bone marrow transplant in March and am still recovering. I also have NH Lymphoma/Lukemia. Gone thru 2 CHOP and One RICE chemo treatment(s) plus all the radition. So I feel your pain. We previously always had a dog. but we travel without one now. (the daughter has two and she lives next to us so we enjoy them--sometimes. Hope your treatments are going well. They are terrible but time will fix most of the problems. Diff Taste, being tired and other annoying things will always be with you after the treatment, but its all worth it. Take care and have good travels. s/Toby tfhlou37@embarqmail,com