Starting in March or so, Bruce developed an increasing severe cough.
Cough, cough, cough. You get the idea.
Over the counter cough medicine helped some, but not enough.
Finally, in May, he saw a doctor. Who ordered an xray. Which revealed a nodule in his lungs. What's that doing there?
Medical minds wanted to know. Blood tests and medication showed nothing more.
In the mean time, the best minds in the trailer, i.e. Jenna, uncovered a likely cause.
Valley Fever. A fungal infection brought on by breathing desert air. Hey, we spent months in the desert, often breathing the air.
More blood tests, a CT scan, and a PET scan these past few weeks, ordered by an excellent pulmonologist in Longview, WA. Which revealed a history of Valley Fever, inactive at present. Good.
However, additional results still held out the slight possibility of early stage lung cancer. Not so good.
[Cue the ominous kettle drums.]So, what's the plan, Stan?
See a consulting surgeon in Portland soon, to decide on surgery for a biopsy, or wait three months for another CT scan to measure growth.
Faithful readers may send large donations to the newly formed
Committee To Send Bruce On A Final Motorcycle Trip Around The World.
[No refunds if the lung cancer thing doesn't work out.] [Note to self: Ask Karl Rove to form Committee.]
It's always somethin'.