This weekend, WWII enthusiasts turned reenactors at the historic part of Fort Stevens State Park. They re-created battles, wearing period uniforms and using authentic armaments.
Here are some pictures of one of the battles, a re-creation of the Normandy invasion.They also set up German and American camps, showing weapons, vehicles, and living quarters of the time. Lotsa men and women studying WWII. Sadly, the history of the human race centers around our military activities.
Adding to the poignancy was the fact that the Japanese fired on Fort Stevens in June 1942, the only attack on the continental United States. [Lest we forget, the Japanese attacked Hawaii, and the Germans sunk our merchant ships in the north Atlantic before declaring war.]
I overheard a WWII veteran talk about his service as a forward observer during the European landings. He said the reenactments were quite realistic, causing his heart to race.
We sold tickets at the entry booth.
Thoughts of Bruce's Jewish father, whom the Nazis imprisoned in a labor camp. He (and Bruce) lost almost his entire family when the Nazis destroyed his town. There are some wars worth fighting.
Thoughts of Jenna's father, who served in WWII and stormed the beaches at Normandy. He was captured and imprisoned by the Nazis.