Sunday, July 12, 2009

In praise of Astoria

We've already said that we like Astoria.

We still like Astoria.

Here are some pics for those you who have not had the pleasure.
From the rooftop of the Elliot Hotel on July 4
[Doubleclick on any pic to enlarge.]

The Astoria Bridge - four miles to Washington state

Friends John and Maryanne, fellow hosts at Fort Stevens
Scott Cossu, playing for July 4th. Scott had several big hits in the 70s with his New Age music. Now he calls his work Heavy Mental. He lives in our former town of Olympia, where we had met him before at local concerts. Friends Doug and JoAnn, whom we met months earlier at Park Sierra. Now they show up at Fort Stevens. They may be the stalkers I mentioned in an earlier post. In addition to Method, They have Motive to steal Clancy's bones...they travel with a standard poodle.

Actually, Bill J, took this picture. We met Bill our first week on the road, at the Life on Wheels conference. We have corresponded with him through the Escapees forum. Two years later, Bill shows up at this restaurant when we are dining with Doug and JoAnn! Coincidence - I think not!! They all want a piece of poor Clancy's bone!!!

Clancy - stay alert!!



MrRk said...

good places..a sweet it is to be in your place nah..? im wondering

Anonymous said...

Hi Bruce and Jenna - it is Leslie again. One year we took the kids to Astoria, to look for the places that were filmed in the movie The Goonies. You really should rent it - it is hysterical, and also shows more on Astoria .... Our kids watched it at least 10 times, and we watched it multiple times as well.

We are heading up to Darrington again for the annual Bluegrass Festival on Thursday, however this year will be a little short for us, since grandson #4 will be playing Little League in a series of state championship games in Oak Harbor on Sunday - yay for the team, and grandson, boo-hiss for them being so 'inconsiderate' as to schedule the state championships during the Darrington Bluegrass Festival - LOL. What were they thinking ? ! ? ! ?