Thursday, February 7, 2008

Upstairs, Downstairs. The RV Chronicles

What’s new in the Brod household? Preparing for Bruce’s elective disability.

Knee surgery on 2/12/08, followed by several days in the hospital in rehabilitation.

Did you know that an RV is a terrible place for a handicapped person? Steep entry stairs, more stairs inside, little floorspace (usually occupied by you-know-who, not Jenna!). And the bathroom – so small you step outside to change your mind.

In fact, many fulltimers keep their houses just for situations like this. Not us, obviously. We don’t need no stinking house…ummmm….

So we’re evaluating temporary replacement stairs, sleeping on the pull-out couch, and accommodations for certain bodily functions. Crutches, handrails, injections - it’s like a nursing home around here!

No, wait, we’ll look at nursing homes on Monday. Just in case Bruce doesn’t recover sufficiently in the hospital and needs additional rehab at discharge.

Do you know how many people have undergone knee surgery? Find out by mentioning your intention. Seems like everyone has had it or knows someone else. Or maybe it’s the middle age company we keep.

On a positive note, we have good medical insurance. And great weather for recovery time – 65 degrees and sunny. Not so bad.

You know you’re getting older when your knees buckle but your belt won’t.


PS Not many knee jokes on the Internet. Please send some via Comments. Editor will post the best entries for the good of humanity.

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